Problems with Word 2 PDF conversion using Distiller v6.0.1 as a windows service
(too old to reply)
2008-09-25 13:28:47 UTC
We are using Distiller v6.0.1 for converting Word files to PDFs on a windows server. Some of the problems are faced:
Hyperlinks do not work.
PDF files not optimized for printing jobs (sometimes 300 kb PDFs with image files shoot up to 10 mb on the printer memory)
File names are not translated properly from word files to PDF files.
Bookmarks and annotations donot work, etc.

Is there a problem with the distiller settings or is it just that its not possible to do all these things with the above mentioned version of Distiller??
Kindly Help me in this regard.
2008-09-25 13:42:13 UTC
Distiller Server, or the regular Distiller that comes with Acrobat?

Neither one, however, will do anything to convert hyperlinks,
bookmarks, annotations.

You may want to look at LiveCycle PDF Generator.

Aandi Inston
2008-09-25 14:32:16 UTC
Dear Aandi,
I am really thankful to for your kind reply. We have Windows Distiller Server. I think we have also faced some other problems also in the past. We normally check in the word documents and then these word documents are converted to PDF files by Distiller v6.0.1 on the windows server. Then these PDF files are returned to the application and are attached along with the word files. Many of the features supported by Word files are lost in the PDF files resulting in very low quality PDF files. What what you suggest we should be looking for??Any particular product from Adobe or even a higher version of Distiller?? Kindly help me in this regard.
2008-09-25 14:42:57 UTC
If your conversion is simply print-to-PostScript then distill you will
not get any interactive features in the PDF. This is exactly the same
as printing to PDF from Word.

Using Acrobat, you need to use the "PDFMaker" button in Word to get
interactive features; however, this cannot work with Distiller Server.

I suggested LiveCycle PDF Generator, this includes PDFMaker features
of some kind.

Aandi Inston
2008-09-25 15:26:51 UTC
Dear Aandi,
I am really thankful to you for your kind support and patience. You have been helping me a lot. I will look into LiveCyclePDF Generator and will discuss it with other team members also. Thanking you once again.
Best Regards,
2008-10-26 03:06:17 UTC
Totally free document conversion
2008-11-07 10:25:23 UTC
Hi Andi/Deepak ,

Iam converting word to pdf file.In every pdf file last page is chopped.
why this problem coming ? i used following tools

MS office 2003
GPL ghostscript 8.5
windows xp/server 2003

Plezzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me!!! Iam so thankful if anybody is there !!!!

